Friday, May 13, 2011

The Case for Modified Newtonian Dyanimcs

It seems that many researchers are taking up the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) battle standard against supporters of Dark Matter halos to explain galactic rotation curves and other astronomical phenomena. I myself am partial to the belief that MOND is a more likely explanation than invisible matter that only interacts via gravitational forces. Stirring debate among these two groups is not my purpose though, it is to present an article that strongly supports MOND as a viable alternative to dark matter. The full article is as follows:

The article itself is extremely technical with copious amounts of mathematics interjected into its paragraphs, but the introduction and conclusion are worth noting. The authors begin by briefly reviewing the current models of galactic properties such as rotation curves and Mass-Luminosity relations. They draw attention to the problems inherent in these models such as mass anisotropic degeneracies and systematic biases. They then propose that MOND can fit the models of elliptical galaxies, and even Early-Type and Spiral galaxies. The conclusions of their findings are that, statistically speaking, MOND fits over 9000 galaxies taken from the NYU Value added Galaxy Catalog. They admit that some aspects of their model have as much as a 10% error, but counter that this is due to the statistical analysis of 9000 galaxies simultaneously as opposed to fitting the model to each galaxy individually.

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