Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nice little program

If you have looked at the AstroBlog site I believe, there are many posts of what the night time sky will look like, what you can see. This is from a pretty nifty open source program that has been around for a while called Stellarium. Pretty much you put in your location and it shows you where everything is in the sky. It has options to put the constellations there or even have it show the picture form of it. You can also skip through time to see what it will be like tomorrow or sometime in the future. A really nice thing though (even though it has many features) is that you can zoom into the sky to explore even further than with the naked eye. For an example, you can zoom into Orion's belt and see a picture of the Flame Nebula. You can do this with many objects in the sky, zooming in to the point where they have a picture of what the object really looks like, not just where it is. Like I said, this program has many features and works pretty well and above all else is free, and if you know Physics people, you know we love free stuff. This program even came in handy in the past locating objects that we took multiple picture of in a preview class years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Just downloaded this, will be playing with it this weekend...
